Wisconsin law requires voters to present a photo ID for their vote to count.

Your photo ID does not need to show a current address.  Poll workers will check the type of ID, name and photograph on the ID, and the date the ID expires.

When it comes to voting, it does not matter if your Wisconsin ID or license complies with the federal Real ID Act of 2005. Wisconsin ID cards that do not meet Real ID requirements are acceptable forms of voter ID.

Our goal is for each eligible voter to be able to cast a ballot and have that ballot counted.


Acceptable Forms of Photo ID

  • Wisconsin driver license*
  • WI DOT-issued photo ID card*
  • U.S. passport*
  • Military ID card*
  • Certificate of naturalization issued within last two years
  • Unexpired Wisconsin driver license or state ID receipt
  • ID card issued by Native American Tribe, regardless of expiration
  • ID issued by a Wisconsin accredited university or college.  ID must show the date issued and student signature.  It must also show an expiration date within 2 years of issuance.  If the ID is expired, proof of current enrollment is also required.
  • Unexpired Veterans Affairs ID card

*The expiration date must be after the the date of the last November election. 

Visit Wisconsin Election Commission for more information: Click on the link for voter information.

Acceptable Photo IDs for Voting in Wisconsin – click on the link to view accepted photo IDs.


Obtaining a Photo ID

If you are eligible to vote, but do not have a Wisconsin license or ID card, you may get a free ID for voting.

Learn more about getting a free WI ID card on the Wisconsin Department of Transportation website: http://wisconsindot.gov/Pages/dmv/license-drvs/how-to-apply/id-card.aspx

If you do not have all the required documents, you may petition the DMV to verify your identity (https://wisconsindot.gov/Pages/dmv/license-drvs/how-to-apply/petition-process.aspx.)


Vote Absentee

Absentee voters casting a ballot in person at City Hall must show a photo ID.

Absentee requests for ballots sent by mail must include a copy or picture of an acceptable type of voter.

Hospitalized voters may appoint an agent to pickup their ballot from the City Clerk’s Office.  The agent needs to bring the hospitalized voter’s photo ID to the Clerk’s Office.


Provisional Ballots

Voters unable to provide an acceptable photo ID on Election Day may cast a provisional ballot.

Provisional ballots count if the voter provides the Clerk’s Office with an acceptable ID by 4 p.m. the Friday after the election.


Senior Citizens

Wisconsin residents who are U.S. citizens age 65 and over may get a Wisconsin ID card that never expires.  This ID is acceptable for voting purposes.  The non-expiring ID card doesn’t meet the “Real ID” standards required for air travel.  A licensed driver cannot get a non-expiring ID card without surrendering driving privileges.

Indefinitely confined senior citizens and care facility residents do not need an ID when voting absentee.


Register to Vote:

Voter Registration Application – pdf version with fillable option

Online Voter Registration


Bring It To The Ballot

You can get more information about voting and your rights to vote by visiting the websites below:

City of Spooner disclaimer: 

Please note that by clicking on these links, you will leave the City of Spooner’s website and enter a privately owned website created, operated and maintained by a private business. 

By linking to this private business, the City of Spooner is not endorsing its products, services, or privacy or security policies.

Visit the Wisconsin Elections Commission for more information.

Visit Voter Public Access for more information about exercising your right to vote.