The Clerk’s Office mails out absentee ballots 47 days before each federal election.

For local elections, absentee ballots are sent three weeks before Election Day.

The City of Spooner counts absentee ballots at the polls on Election Day.

The deadline to request an absentee ballot is 5:00 p.m. the Thursday before an Election.

It is best to submit your request early because it can take up to one week for the post office to deliver a ballot.


In-Person Absentee Voting begins two weeks before the Election Day.

In the City of Spooner, it ends the Thursday before the election.

You will need to show ID to receive an absentee ballot.  You may register to vote, with proof of residence (address), at the time of in-person absentee voting.

Spring, April 1, 2025 Information:

First day of In-Person Absentee voting starts Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Last day of In-Person Absentee voting is Thursday, March 27, 2025

Monday – Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Friday, March 21st from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Visit My Vote Wisconsin 

  • Check your registration
  • Locate your polling place
  • See your sample ballot
  • Track your absentee ballot


Absentee Delivery by Email – available for Military and Overseas Voters only.

Military and Overseas Voters: Send your absentee request to Include your name, voter registration address and email address.  Voters temporarily overseas also need to submite voter ID, if not already on file in the Clerk’s Office.  You can also use the Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) to complete your Voter Registration and Absentee Ballot Request.

The Clerk’s Office will send your ballot and certification as email attachments.

  • Print the ballot and certification on paper.
  • Sign the certification statement and have an adult (18 or older) sign as a witness.  Your witness does not need to be a U.S. Citizen, but they will need to write their address under the witness signature.
  • Seal the ballot in an envelope.
  • Attach the certification statement to the outside of that envelope.
  • Seal the envelope bearing the certification statement in a larger mailing envelope.
  • Write “Absentee Ballot Enclosed” on the mailing envelope.
  • Send your ballot to the City Clerk’s Office through the mail.  The Clerk’s Office needs to receive your ballot in time to count your ballot on Election Day.

Overseas Voter Guides from the Wisconsin Election Commission:


Absentee Delivery by Mail

An Absentee Ballot Request (opens in a new window) form is available for your convenience, but you are not required to use a form.  You may submit an absentee request at My Vote Wisconsin (link is external)  Click on Vote Absentee at the top of the website. Or, you may send a written request that includes:

  • Name
  • City of Spooner address
  • Address to which the ballot should be mailed
  • Signature
  • Copy of voter ID, if not already on file in Clerk’s Office

Send your request via email to

If mailing your request, send it to: City of Spooner Clerk 515 N Summit St, PO Box 548, Spooner WI 54801.

The Clerk’s Office mails ballots through the Thursday before each election. The Clerk’s Office must receive your absentee ballot in time to count your ballot on Election Day.


Voters Confined to their Homes

Age, physical illness, infirmity or disability might confine a voter for an unspecified period of time. These voters may request absentees for all elections. They must return a ballot every election to keep their absentee status active.

Permanent absentee voters do not need to provide ID. The witness signing the absentee envelope certifies the voter’s identity.

Submit permanent absentee requests at My Vote Wisconsin (link is external), or using this form:

Absentee Ballot Request Complete the applicaton and pay close to attention to Item 6: “I request an absentee ballot be sent to me for”.  You will want to see the line item For indefinitely-confined voters only.



Links provided are the Wisconsin Election Commission and MyVote Wisconsin.  Visit these websites for the most up-to-date information and forms.

Application for Absentee Ballot  – pdf version with fillable option

Online Voter Absentee Request

Information on absentee voting and photo id. – click on the link for voter information.


Wisconsin residents are required to submit photo identification when voting.

The Wisconsin Department of Transportation provides free state ID cards for voting.  Learn more about getting a free WI ID card on the Wisconsin Department of Transportation website:

Acceptable Photo IDs for Voting in Wisconsin. Click on the link to view accepted photo IDs.


City of Spooner disclaimer: 

Please note that by clicking on these links, you will leave the City of Spooner’s website and enter a privately owned website created, operated and maintained by a private business. 

By linking to this private business, the City of Spooner is not endorsing its products, services, or privacy or security policies.